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PCI Redaction for Zendesk Talk - FAQs

Frequently asked questions for PCI Redaction for Zendesk Talk

Installing & Configuring the Myna Payment Card Information (PCI) in English Redaction app for Zendesk Talk

What will be redacted from native Talk recordings?

How does PCI Redaction redact payment card data from native Zendesk Talk recordings?

How do I apply PCI Redaction to native Talk voicemails?

How can I ensure native Talk recordings are being scanned for PCI?

Letting PCI Redaction know if you change your Zendesk Subdomain

How do I recreate my PCI Redaction Trigger and Webhook?

How do I restrict processing & billing to just Talk Agents who handle PCI in English?

How can I find tickets with comments added by PCI Redaction for Zendesk Talk?

How do I change which Talk agent appears on the comments created in Zendesk by the PCI redaction?

How do I change the credit or debit card used for billing?

How do I request reprocessing of recordings?

How do I suspend or uninstall PCI Redaction for Zendesk Talk?

How do I restore the Default Trigger for PCI Redaction after manually creating a trigger?

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